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CFP, Journal of Transnational Asian Studies (JTAS)
Dear friends and colleagues,
The Journal of Transnational Asian Studies (JTAS) editorial committee calls for submissions for its inaugural issue to be published in Fall 2016.
The Journal of Transnational Asian Studies (JTAS) envisions Asia in transnational time and space. Interdisciplinary, transhistorical, and transnational in approach, the JTAS publishes scholarship that challenges traditional understandings of Asia, moving beyond the confines of area studies and national-state focus, and capturing the emergent forms of Asia-related, Asia-inspired, and Asia-driven themes and sites of inquiry in the world today.
The Asian and the global are increasingly overlapping, to the extent that it renders the boundaries between Asian Studies and Asian American Studies artificial. Intensifying flows of people, goods, ideas, and culture within Asia and between Asia and the rest of the world attest to that. We do not hold a utopic view about national-state boundaries: they do exist, and disputes over and about them involve concerns over sovereignty and nationalism, often resulting in immense human and environmental disasters. At the same time, we now live in an age where human movements across national borders are happening in an unprecedented scale, delivering new conflict, new tragedy, and new anxieties, but also new knowledge, new forms of life, and new communities. The journal aims to address this complexity, working around and against and, yet at the same time, critically dealing with national boundaries, in order to capture transnational Asia and beyond precisely.
The JTAS stands on a multidisciplinary premise, encouraging scholars in broad humanistic and social scientific disciplines to submit their work of about 5,000 to 8,000 words. All main articles will be peer-reviewed. The inclusion of visual and audio-visual materials is particularly welcome.
Submission deadline: June 1, 2016
Inquiries and contact:
Amber Szymczyk Web Publication Coordinator Chao Center for Asian Studies Rice University |
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Alexis D'Hautcourt (30 avril 2016). Petite annonce, appel à contributions: Journal of Transnational Asian Studies. Acrobates japonais en France. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse