Liens de la semaine (27 juin 2016)

(Désolé; toujours pas de vraie entrée de carnet; mes cours me prennent tout mon temps, et le referendum du Brexit a bien occupé mon week-end)

Parutions récentes
  • PROFESSIONNALISATION DES MÉTIERS DU CIRQUE. Des processus de formation et d’insertion aux épreuves identitaires, Sous la direction de Thérèse Perez-Roux, Richard Étienne et Josiane Vitali, ISBN : 978-2-343-08660-6 • mars 2016 • 254 pages; L’Harmattan

Petite annonce: Résidence de recherche “Villa Vassilieff” | Appel à candidatures 2016

Une lectrice ou un lecteur de ce carnet trouvera peut-être intéressante l’annonce suivante:

Dans  le cadre de leur collaboration, la Villa Vassilieff et le Collège d’études mondiales/FMSH lancent un appel à candidature pour un  séjour de recherche de 6 semaines adressés aux chercheurs en Sciences Humaines et Sociales résidant hors de France.

Le chercheur travaillera d’une part en lien avec la Chaire Global  South(s) dirigée par Françoise Vergès et de l’autre avec l’équipe de la Villa Vassilieff.

Les projets de recherche présentés devront s’inscrire dans le cadre de la politique scientifique générale du Collège d’études mondiales et tout particulièrement avec au moins l’une des thématiques suivantes développées au sein de la chaire Global South(s) :

  • Etudier la circulation des idées et des modalités de production artistiques et culturelles entre l’Europe et le monde.
  • Etudier dans une perspective critique les différentes modalités de représentation de l’«autre».

Le  chercheur s’engagera a participer aux activités organisées par la chaire Global South(s) et par la Villa Vassilieff en relation avec sa recherche.

Disciplines concernées : philosophie, sciences politiques, sociologie, anthropologie, histoire globale, histoire de l’art.

Plus d’informations sur le site internet de la FMSH.


Petite annonce: bourse pour l’International Institute for Asian Studies (Leyde)

Je recopie l’information suivante depuis le site internet de l’IIAS:


The position of affiliated fellow is intended for outstanding researchers (also see ‘Terms and conditions’) from around the world, to work on an important aspect of Asian studies research in the social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. We also welcome researchers who would like to work on a collaborative grant proposal or develop their PhD thesis into a book publication.

Research focus

We are particularly looking for researchers focusing on the three IIAS clusters ‘Asian Cities‘, ‘Asian Heritages‘ and ‘Global Asia‘. However some positions will be reserved for outstanding projects in any area outside of those listed. Applications that link to more than one field are also welcome.

On the application form, you will be asked to indicate to which cluster your proposed research relates, or to choose the “open category”.

Terms and conditions

  1. Applicants must have fulfilled all requirements of the PhD. If you are a PhD candidate at the time of application, you may also apply, provided that you graduate within 5 months after the application deadline (i.e. before 1 July). A letter from your university will be required to confirm your graduation before this date.
  2. If you are applying for a grant from IIAS to cover your research period in the Netherlands, the fellowship will be tenable for a maximum period of 10 months.
  3. Support for research (office facilities, library access, networks, etc.) will be provided.
  4. Affiliated fellows are expected to participate in IIAS events, including the fellow seminars, monthly lunch lectures, and drinks.


If IIAS decides to sponsor your research by awarding a grant, you will receive:

– A monthly grant of €2000;
– Office facilities and access to the Leiden University Libraries;
– A one-time grant of (max) €1000 towards the costs of (international) travel.


Application deadline

1 February of each year

Le projet ‘Global Asia‘ me semble très intéressant.

PS: C’est la fin du semestre académique ici au Japon; j’espère pouvoir vite reposter de vrais billets et pas seulement des “petites annonces”.

Petite annonce: Weatherhead Initiative on Global History Fellowship

Voici une autre information que je recopie depuis le site H-Japan:

The Weatherhead Initiative on Global History (WIGH) at Harvard University identifies and supports outstanding scholars whose work responds to the growing interest in the encompassing study of global history. We seek to organize a community of scholars interested in the systematic scrutiny of developments that have unfolded across national, regional, and continental boundaries and who propose to analyze the interconnections—cultural, economic, ecological, political and demographic—among world societies. We encourage applicants from all over the world, and especially from outside Europe and North America, hoping to create a global conversation on global history.

WIGH Fellows are appointed for one year and are provided time, guidance, office space, and access to Harvard University facilities. They should be prepared to devote their entire time to productive scholarship and may undertake sustained projects of research or other original work. They will join a vibrant community of global history scholars at Harvard.

This fellowship is funded by a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation.

The competition for these awards is open only to scholars with a PhD (or comparable professional school degree). If still pursuing the PhD, WIGH Fellows must receive their degree no later than May 2016. There is no limit on time since submission of the candidate’s degree; we are open to candidates at various stages of their careers. We expect that candidates will be able to submit samples of independent work (articles, papers, dissertation chapters) in support of their candidacies on request. The WIGH Fellowship is residential and Fellows are expected to live in the Cambridge/Boston area for the duration of their appointments unless traveling for pre-approved research purposes, and they are expected to participate in WIGH activities, including a bi-weekly seminar.

Fellows will receive an annual stipend of up to $50,000, according to fellows’ needs. Because we cannot always offer the amount requested, we urge applicants to apply for funding from other sources as well. Applications are welcome from qualified persons without regard to nationality, gender, or race.

How to Apply
Applications are due December 15, 2015. Letters of reference are due by January 8th, 2016.
Please visit our website ( to apply.

Contact: Jessica Barnard, Program Coordinator
Phone: +011 (617) 495-8923