Comme j’apprécie et voudrais encourager ce genre d’initiatives, je me permets de recopier le message suivant, paru sur la liste électronique SSJ:
We want to inform readers of this mailing list about this highly welcomed opportunity to discover the content of our work on Happiness and the Good Life in Japan (Routledge 2017). publisher is committed to increasing the discoverability of our work and provides unrestrained online access to the full text of the book via the following link:,
Please note that this link will expire at the end of August.
In case you are interested in learning more about our current research activities, please consult our project websites at or
academia, or get straight into contact with us!Wolfram Manzenreiter and Barbara Holthus
University of Vienna
Dept. of East Asian Studies
SSJ-FORUM website
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
SSJ Forum Archive (all past postings are available)
Aucun article de ce livre, en accès libre pendant plusieurs semaines, ne concerne directement le sujet de ce carnet de recherches, mais je me permets de signaler les deux articles suivants:
- C. Bondy, “A Really Warm Place”: Weel-being, place and the experiences of buraku youth, p. 181-194
- C. Sapunaru Tamas, A.O. Tamas, The Midnight Community, or Under-the-counter Happiness, p. 211-224