Scholars and scientists are often asked how they started a project and what triggered their research. For the topic of this blog, I can bring a straightforward answer.
First I read a review of Noiriel’s book, Chocolat in the daily newspaper Le Monde. It rose my curiosity, and I bought the book. I enjoyed it so much that I could not stop reading before reaching its end.
I was fascinated by its use of electronic resources, particularly the digitalized collection of the national Library in France. And as a male Caucasian living in Japan, that is as a privileged immigrant encountering sometimes curious situations, I became interested in the distinction Noiriel offered to do between prejudices and systemic racism.
Then I remembered having read in newspapers about a short silent film, Kiriki, acrobates japonais.
Logically I submitted a query at the Gallica website with this phrase; its results were many and surprising, and I decided to explore further the situation of Japanese acrobats in France.
- Igor Martinache, « Gérard Noiriel, Chocolat clown nègre. L’histoire oubliée du premier artiste noir de la scène française », Lectures [En ligne], Les comptes rendus, 2012, mis en ligne le 05 avril 2012. URL :
- Antoine de Baecque,“Chocolat clown nègre. L’histoire oubliée du premier artiste noir de la scène française”, de Gérard Noiriel : un fier artiste noir, LE MONDE DES LIVRES 08.03.2012;
- Claire Rainfroy, Chocolat, l’une des premières victimes du racisme en France, Slate Afrique 15/09/2012;
- Frédérique ROUSSEL, «Ce personnage est devenu synonyme du monde noir», Libération 22 février 201;
- Olivier Roueff, « Le spectacle des catégories raciales », La Vie des idées, 25 juillet 2012. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :
Les Kiriki – Acrobates japonais