Disparition du cirque Barnum: petite revue de presse

1898 ? Existe aussi en versions allemande et française; voir https://www.ringling.org/circus-collections

1898 ? Existe aussi en versions allemande et française; voir https://www.ringling.org/circus-collections


Voici une série de liens en rapport avec l’annonce que le Cirque Barnum va cesser ses activités:

Articles en français:

(…) Le cirque, officiellement nommé Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus après plusieurs fusions, a expliqué dans un communiqué qu’il ne survivait plus financièrement, en raison de l’augmentation des coûts et du déclin des ventes de billets, surtout depuis qu’il a été forcé par les défenseurs des animaux de retirer les éléphants qui étaient le clou de son spectacle.

(…) F. Bouglione, “Le cirque Ringling est plus victime de la finance que de la désertion du public (…) Il faudra m’expliquer comment un spectacle qui a a eu dix millions de spectateurs dans l’année n’arrive pas à être rentable. Je suis très étonné”

(…) [En réponse à l’affirmation selon laquelle le Cirque doit fermer parce qu’il ne peut plus montrer d’éléphants]: “Retirer les animaux, cela a dû faire un coup. Ça m’étonne quand même un peu, depuis le temps que ce cirque existe. Est-ce que c’est vraiment la cause exacte de la disparition de ce cirque?”, a commenté John Beautour, porte-parole de l’Association des cirques de familles de France.

“Mais, pour moi, ce n’est pas en raison de la pression des anti-animaux américains qu’ils ferment. Le cirque Barnum est plus victime de la finance. C’était le plus grand cirque du monde, un très grand spectacle. Mais la famille Feld, propriétaire de ce cirque, produit 30 ou 35 spectacles. Et malheureusement, le drame même, est que Kenneth Feld a, il y a quelques années, tout cédé à ses trois filles. Lui adorait le cirque, ses trois filles un peu moins. Alors quand vous avez 35 spectacles qui tournent et que l’un d’entre eux est moins rentable de 3%, vous le fermez. Merci, au revoir.”

(interview d’Alexandre Bouglione): ” … en ce moment, il y a comme une chasse aux sorcières envers les gens du voyage, les cirques et les forains. On met un peu tout le monde dans le même sac. Il y a des gens qui font très bien ce métier, d’autres qui le font très mal. Actuellement, on ne peut plus travailler avec des animaux sauvages, mais ça se pratique dans les zoos. Notamment en Belgique. Regardez Pairi Daiza… Même si je n’ai rien contre eux. Il y aurait donc maltraitance quand on dresse des animaux mais seulement dans les cirques ? Dans beaucoup de zoos, il y a des tigres, des éléphants, des perroquets, des otaries, des orques, des dauphins. Chez nous, c’étaient soi-disant des prisons, mais dans les zoos, les prisons sont juste un peu plus grandes, c’est tout. ”

(interview de David Williams-Mitchell):

“Cirques, zoos: est-ce du pareil au même pour les animaux ?

Non. Les animaux sauvages hébergés dans les meilleurs zoos (dont nos membres) ont beaucoup moins de contact avec les humains, dans des enclos qui imitent autant que possible les conditions de leur habitat naturel. La participation des animaux à des spectacles est autorisée seulement à des conditions strictes (dont l’obligation que le spectacle vise à éduquer le public et que la dignité de l’animal soit respectée et préservée).”

Articles en anglais:

  • D. Takahashi, Technology fails to save Ringling Bros. circus, Venture Beat (14 janvier 2017)
  • C. Mele, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to End Its 146-Year Run, The New York Times (14 janvier 2017)
    “(…) Mr. Feld told The A.P. that transporting the show by rail and other circus quirks — such as providing a traveling school for performers’ children — are throwbacks to another era. “It’s a different model that we can’t see how it works in today’s world to justify and maintain an affordable ticket price.(…) [PETA statement] “All other animal circuses, roadside zoos, and wild animal exhibitors, including marine amusement parks like SeaWorld and the Miami Seaquarium, must take note: society has changed, eyes have been opened, people know now who these animals are, and we know it is wrong to capture and exploit them.” Humane Society CEO Wayne Pacelle said in a statement, “It’s just not acceptable any longer to cart wild animals from city to city and have them perform silly yet coercive stunts. I know this is bittersweet for the Feld family, but I applaud their decision to move away from an institution grounded on inherently inhumane wild animal acts.””
  • C. Goudie, Ringling Bros. circus to close after 146 years; Failure started with focus on elephant abuse, ABC 7 (15 janvier 2017)
  • K. Varn et al.,Nostalgia takes an emotional hit with closing of Ringling Bros. circus, Tampa Bay Times (15 janvier 2017):”That sentiment was shared Sunday at the International Independent Showmen’s Museum in Riverview, which preserves the Tampa Bay area’s history as a one-time home base for circus and carnival performers.Museum executive director David “Doc” Rivera said he had heard speculation for months that the circus would be shut down or sold to Disney.The reason for declining interest in the circus, he said, can be attributed to the Internet, video games, television and other forms of modern home entertainment.”It used to be that you had to get off your butts and leave the house to be entertained,” he said. “Not anymore.”There was a time when if you wanted to see a 500-pound lady or a giant you had to go the carnival or circus,” he said. “Then one day you could turn on your TV and see them.””
  • J. Rogers, Hundreds to lose jobs after Ringling Bros Circus shuts down, News Channel 8 (16 janvier 2017): “The company leaders said one factor in the success of their other properties such as ‘Marvel Universe LIVE!’ and ‘Disney on Ice’ is that kids are very familiar with them after seeing them on TV.  Kids today don’t have the same association with the circus as other children did in previous generations.“Kids drive what parents do with them. In the sense of entertainment where you take your kids is where your kids demand. And if it’s not part of their life every day, they have no point of reference to demand that,” said Kenneth Feld.”
  • C. Hlavaty, Ringling Bros. folding is the end of an era in family entertainment, Houston Chronicle (16 janvier 2017): “According to reports the show was felled by a variety of factors. For one, the show was still being transported by rail, a quaint touch in an era when most similar traveling shows are a fleet of semis and buses.”
  • L. Pisoni, The end of Ringling Bros.: What the Greatest Show on Earth meant to a man raised in the circus, Los Angeles Times (16 janvier 2017)
    “(…) What does this mean if an institution like Ringling Bros. can no longer remain in business? I don’t know why the show is closing, but I do know we now live in an era where the priority is not live performance. Instead, we want our personal entertainment when we want it, on demand, with headphones. I’m as guilty of this as anyone. As a former circus performer, and a new father, that saddens me. Perhaps I long for the time when kids didn’t socialize with virtual friends but rather physically came together for a shared experience, for entertainment that built connections and made memories. Because that’s what happens at the circus, in the stands for the audience and in the ring for the performers. (…)”
  • J. Rogers, What will happen to the costumes and props from the Ringling Bros. Circus?, News Channel 8 (17 janvier 2017)
  • A. Woodruff, The Pull Of The Armchair Conservationist And The Far-Reaching Implications Of The Ringling Bros. Closure, UPROXX (17 janvier 2017) (une discussion intéressante)
  • H. Weiss-Tisman, Despite Ringling Bros. Shutdown, The Circus Arts Remain Alive And Well In Vermont, NHPR (18 janvier 2017)
  • R. Beadle, Why America’s most famous circus was destined to fail, The Conversation (18 janvier 2017)
  • H. Covington, For Minnesota performers, circus shutdown prompts shock, grief and nostalgia, Star Tribune (20 janvier 2017)
  • J. Wallace, S. Kennedy Wynne, Despite layoffs, Ringling company vies for millions in job creation, Bradenton Herald (24 janvier 2017): (…) “Those who work with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus crisscross the country on a mile-long train that carries not just the performers but also the animals, their feed and a 24-hour dining operation called the Pie Car. Children go to school on the train and there is a day care operation. They are housed in cars set up like efficiency apartments. Electricians, mechanics and animal tenders are on board to keep things running.The circus’ first female ringmaster, 35-year-old Florida native Kristen Wilson, said living on the train has been an eye-opening experience. She called it a “city without a ZIP code” and compared it to an apartment building that’s horizontal.” (…)
  • D. Elias, Despite closing, Ringling Bros. to receive $3M tax incentive, count on nbc2 first (25 janvier 2017): (…) “The company will still receive its incentive because they classified the 400 lost jobs as “on the road jobs,” meaning they aren’t Florida-based and don’t count as part of the incentive calculation.”You travel by train.  No other company is doing that,” Razhba said.Besides Ringing Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, Palmetto-based Feld Entertainment also owns Disney on Ice, Monster Jam, and Marvel Universe.” (…)